Snapshot of Homelessness in London

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Who experienced homelessness in our community? 

The City maintains a comprehensive list called a “By-Name List”, of every person in the community actively experiencing homelessness. Using information collected and shared with their consent, each person on the list has a file that includes their name, homeless history, health, and housing needs. Maintaining a by-name list allows communities to track the ever-changing size and composition of their homeless population. 

People experience homelessness in different ways, and each individual has different circumstances and needs, which change on a day-to-day basis. The following information is based on March 31 active by-name list data.

Active number of individuals experiencing homelessness: 

As of March 31, there were 1758 individuals experiencing homelessness. 

Reporting date

 # of individuals and Families on the By Name List as of:*

January 31, 2024


February 29, 2024


March   31, 2024


15.8% were chronically homeless* (*homeless for at least six months over the past year, or experiencing homelessness intermittently over the past three years, with a cumulative duration of 18 months)

18.8% identified as Indigenous* (*this number is known to be higher as reflected by Indigenous agencies and organizations working in the community)

Less than 1% were confirmed veterans (.0067%)


16-24: 13%

25-39: 38%

40-59: 38%

60+: 11%


37% - Female

61% - Male

2% - Gender queer, gender non-conforming trans female, trans male, transgender, and two-spirit

Support needs 

1760 individuals experiencing homelessness completed an assessment to determine their required level of support to achieve sustainable housing between January 1 and March 31, 2024. 

Of these individuals:

46%  of individuals assessed were determined as high acuity

41% were determined as moderate acuity

13% were determined as low acuity

"Acuity" refers to the level of supports an individual needs

Unsheltered Homelessness

207* individuals were living unsheltered as of March 31, 2024 - meaning they did not stay in an emergency shelter at all. 

*This number is known to be higher as reflected by agencies and organizations working with unsheltered individuals in the community.

There were 56* active encampments as of March 31, 2024 

*This reflected the total number of "deferred encampments" (encampments that are meeting all of the current community health and safety guidelines, and including individuals actively engaging in services to obtain shelter or housing) and does not include urban transient encampments ("sleeping rough" without structures, for example on benches or in doorways) nor does it reflect the total number of tents.

There were 493 Coordinated Informed Response led responses to encampments between January 1 and March 31, 2024.

Connecting with services and programs

The City operates a coordinated access system, where individuals or organizations can reach services and programs across the city. Through a central intake system, individuals are assessed and triaged to the appropriate supports. 

6,785 calls, emails, and front counter supports through Coordinated Access 

1,938 instances of coordinated access support (includes: intake, update of HIFIS profile, housing referral, community agency referral, shelter referral, etc.)

150 calls and emails from people outside of London, looking for services and support.

146 number of times emergency shelter access was prevented (by the outreach, shelter and coordinated access system). 

76 individuals were identified in HIFIS as housed through system supports

From January 1 to March 31, 2024

Rental Market

$1,789 - the average monthly rental for a one-bedroom apartment

Rental Market info for London Ontario 








London, ON






London, ON






London, ON





*Data source:

Rent Geared to Income Wait List

The City maintains a Rent Geared to Income Wait List.  As of March 31, 2024:

7,103 - number of active applications

84 - number of households housed from the list between January 1, 2024 and March 31, 2024 

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Last modified:Monday, May 06, 2024