Londoners encouraged to modify holiday celebrations during COVID-19

As part of ongoing efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 in the community, the City of London is reminding residents the importance of physical distancing ahead of the Easter weekend. 

We recognize how difficult it is to stay home at a time that is typically filled with family gatherings and faith-based celebrations, and how important these occasions are to mental, spiritual and emotional wellbeing. While difficult, maintaining physical distancing is important for your own health, the health of your family and the health of the community.

“This year, we’re asking Londoners to continue practice physical distancing and celebrate their faith-based observances from home,” said Mayor Ed Holder. “Several faith leaders will be offering online supports and services this weekend. We applaud them adapting their emotional and spiritual outreach while the world is dealing with the impacts of COVID-19. ”

Londoners are encouraged to adapt faith-based observances and celebrations during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Arrange virtual visits or phone calls with family members outside of your immediate household.
  • Consider online faith-based celebrations hosted by places of worship.
  • Limit the number of essential trips to groceries, prescriptions, or medical appointments.

Londoners can continue to enjoy parks and pathways to walk or bike through only but should consider less busy spaces and pathways to help maintain physical distancing.

While a few sections of the Thames Valley Parkway have been particularly busy, there are many kilometres of parks and pathways available for public access that are less frequented. A list of pathways and parks can be found on CityMap using the ‘Bike Routes and Walking Trails’ layer.

For anyone who chooses to use these spaces, the City asks for the public’s full and continued cooperation in following all of the precautions identified by the Middlesex London Health Unit including:

  • Stay six feet away from each other (physical distancing)
  • Avoid all non-essential gatherings of any size
  • Stay home from work and other activities if you are sick
  • Self-isolate if you have travelled outside of Canada
  • Wash your hands with soap and water frequently (for at least 20 seconds)
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with your sleeve or cough and sleeve into your elbow
  • Clean and disinfect high touch areas frequently

All recreation facilities including playgrounds, community gardens, golf courses, multi-use courts, off-leash dog parks, outdoor play structures, skate parks, and sports fields remain closed at this time.

City of London Facilities and Office Closures during the Easter weekend

In response to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, all City facilities including City Hall, arenas, community centres and senior’s centres, pools, libraries, golf courses and Provincial Offences Court, Tourism London offices and social services offices remain closed to the public until further notice.

City of London essential services that have been delivered during the COVID-19 situation will be closed on Friday, April 10 and Monday, April 13 in observance of Good Friday and Easter Monday.

The closure includes the City of London Social Services offices closure on Friday, April 10 and Monday, April 13.

Individuals who have applied or need to apply for Ontario Works and/or Emergency Social Assistance will need to visit the office on Thursday, April 9 between 1 and 4 p.m.  Phone and online services will resume Tuesday, April 14, 2020.

Last modified:Tuesday, April 09, 2024