Celebrate National Tree Day by planting a free tree

The City of London is giving away 2,000 trees again to residents as part of London’s annual celebration of National Tree Day on September 20.

Residents can visit Carling Heights Optimist Community Centre (656 Elizabeth Street) between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 20 to choose from 12 different types of native trees, while supplies last. This year’s trees include a variety of native tree species including conifers, ornamental and deciduous trees residents can plant at home.

“National Tree Day in the Forest City is always a special celebration, and the annual tree giveaway engages thousands of Londoners in planting and growing a tree at home,” says Mayor Josh Morgan. “Trees are an integral part of our response to climate change, and London’s urban forest continues to grow stronger with the help of households across the city.”

By selecting a free tree and planting it on private property, residents are helping London reach its tree canopy coverage goals. The City also plants approximately 5,000 trees each year, and there are more than four million trees across London. A healthy urban forest helps reduce air pollution, provides shade and lower temperatures reducing energy costs at homes, and reduces stormwater flows by absorbing heavy rainfall.

It is important to protect and maintain newly planted trees for the first year after they’ve been planted. Residents can learn more about caring for new trees at london.ca/trees.

The City is committed to providing accessible accommodations for residents. If you require an accommodation to obtain a tree, please call 519-661-5783.

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List of available trees (while supplies last):

Native Red Maple

Sugar Maple

Silver Maple

White Birch

Yellow Birch

Tulip Tree


American Sycamore

White Spruce

White Pine


Eastern Redbud

Last modified:Tuesday, September 19, 2023